Story: Emmanuel Ashong, Winneba

The Presiding Bishop of The Methodist Church Ghana, the Most Rev Dr Paul Kwabena Boafo has reminded Ministers of God on the need to see their calling as an opportunity to serve.

He was of the conviction that “You are called to serve and you are not just called to serve the people called Methodists. Ours and our slogan is friends of all, enemies of none", Most Rev Dr Boafo told newly ordained Ministers of the Church on Sunday, August 21, 2022.

The past Chairman of the Christian Council of Ghana was speaking at an Ordination Service held at the Josphus Anamuah-Mensah Conference Centre at the University of Education, Winneba North Campus to ordain 56 Ministers of The Methodist Church Ghana following their successful completion of a three-year probation.

The ordinands, who were presented by the Administrative Bishop of the Church, the Rt Rev Michael Agykwa Bossman for examination by the Presiding Bishop, pledged among others to, faithfully and diligently "drive away all erroneous and strange doctrine contrary to God's Word".

In a sermon, Most Rev Dr Boafo charged the ordinands to be humble in the discharge of their duties and to be of great influence in society.

"You are going to the Society to serve the community. Go and influence the society by serving. Go and influence the chiefs and elders of the community by serving. Go and serve the political arena. Go and serve wherever you are called as a Methodist", Most Rev Dr Boafo admonished, adding "This one not just to the Ministers but to all of us”.

He noted that “Many are mourning around us and I pray that as we go from here, after this Conference, let the people called Methodists stand up to our old traditions of bringing positive influence to society.

The Ordination Service climaxes the Church’s 50th Annual and 12th Biennial Conference held from August 16-21, 2022 at the Ebenezer Methodist Cathedral, Winneba.

The Conference which was on the theme, 'Discipleship: Living the Transformed Life in Jesus Christ', approved the creation of two new Dioceses - the North America and Ho Dioceses and also adopted a new Constitution for the Church.

Delegates also elected Bro Kwasi Atta Antwi as the next Lay President to take office from October 2023, when the three year tenure of office of the incumbent, Bro William Orleans Oduro [Esq] will expire.