Story: Sarah Naa Merley Mensah, Chorkor

Believers have been cautioned that they risk being strangers in the house of God if they fail to build a relationship with Jesus Christ and live like Him.

The caution came from Evangelist Emmanuel Ankrah, a Lay Evangelist of The Methodist Church Ghana at an outreach programme organised by the Accra Diocese of the Church, held at the Chorkor Extra ‘O’ Park in Accra.

Dubbed the Wesleyan Revival Outreach, the programme is geared towards winning souls for Christ in all the 24 Circuits within the Accra Diocese in pursuit of the Church’s ‘Agenda for Revival, Growth and Transformation’. The nineteenth in the series came off in the Mamprobi Circuit from November 24 – 26, 2022. 

Speaking on the theme, “Jesus the Only Door to Salvation”, Evangelist Ankrah observed that, “Many are those who are known to be active Christians but did not use the door – Christ Jesus. Although men may know you, to Christ you are a stranger”.

He pointed to Jesus as the only door to attaining eternal life and stressed that, doors are meant for entrance and exit purposes, adding “once this is violated, you are simply seen a ‘thief’".

Evangelist Ankrah challenged congregants to “choose the narrow way that leads to eternal life and avoid the broad way that leads to destruction”. He listed some of the significance of using the narrow way as relishing God’s moments of guidance, protection and provision.

Forty souls responded to an altar call to give their lives to Jesus.

The programme was attended by the Methodist Bishop of Accra Diocese, the Rt Rev Emmanuel Borlabi Bortey; the Superintendent Minister of the Mamprobi Circuit, the Very Rev Samuel K. Quartey; and the Accra Diocesan Coordinator for Evangelism, Mission and Renewal, the Very Rev Richmond Abaka. Other Ministers and members from the various Societies within the Mamprobi Circuit were in attendance.

The revival outreach was climaxed with Thanksgiving Services in the respective Societies within the Circuit.