Story: Sarah Naa Merley Mensah, Teshie

In a move to honour deserving men and women who have contributed to the growth of The Methodist Church Ghana, a Service has been held at the now former Teshie North Methodist Chapel in the Teshie Circuit to dedicate and name the Chapel after its first Caretaker, the late Bro Joseph Afotey Aku-Boye.


The Service which was held on Saturday, April 02, 2022 was attended by Church members and witnessed by the family of the late Bro Aku-Boye, who is credited with contributing significantly to the growth of the Church.


Founded through vigorous evangelism in 1982 by the Jordan Methodist Church, Teshie as a means of minimizing the distance some children had to travel from the northern part of Teshie to attend Church Services in the south, the J. A. Aku-Boye Memorial Methodist Church has grown from a total membership of 116 people in 1986 when it was officially inaugurated to 728 members in 2022.


The Society has since its inauguration, planted 5 new Societies in Teshie Nungua Estates, Tsui Bleoo, Okpoi Gonno, Dedeiman and Cannanland through the collaborative efforts of its members and successive Ministers.


Commending the founding members for their diverse contributions to the growth of the Church, the Administrative Bishop of The Methodist Church Ghana, the Rt Rev Michael Agyakwa Bossman urged members not to forfeit the foundation of evangelism upon which the Church was built. “A building is as solid as its foundation and the quality of the materials used”, he observed.


Rt Rev Bossman who was representing the Presiding Bishop of The Methodist Church Ghana, the Most Rev Dr Paul Kwabena Boafo also encouraged members to be motivated by the contributions of the late Bro J. A. Aku-Boye in further expanding the Church. He noted that “the work of the Lord must always take precedence over your routine ways of living” adding, “let us put our personal interests aside and take to the priorities of God, which is knowing Jesus”.


The chief scribe of the Church was assisted by the Methodist Bishop of Accra Diocese, the Rt Rev Emmanuel Borlabi Bortey, and the Accra Diocesan Synod Secretary, the Very Rev Victor B. B. Boyetey to dedicate the Chapel and sanctify its elements including The Lord’s Table, the Lectern, the Pulpit, the Baptismal Font and the Communion Rails. Also present were the Accra Diocesan Lay Chairman, Sis Agatha Ennin Osei, past and serving Ministers and Lay leaders of the Church as well as representatives of other Circuits within the Accra Diocese.  


The wife of the late Bro J. A. Aku-Boye, Mrs Martha Aku-Boye expressed her family’s appreciation to the Church for honouring the memory of her late husband. Other members of the Church including Bro Ben Korle and Sis Patience Amerley Anyonkor were also recognised for their pioneering roles in nurturing the Society.