Story: Emmanuel Ashong, Abossey Okai

The St Luke Methodist Church, Abossey Okai has climaxed its centenary anniversary celebrations with a Thanksgiving Service held at the Church’s premises on Sunday, August 07, 2022.


The Service which was officiated by the Presiding Bishop of The Methodist Church Ghana, the Most Rev Dr Paul Kwabena Boafo and other high ranking officials of the Church, saw members clad in their centenary anniversary cloth amidst great expression of joyful singing and dancing.


Founded in 1922 as an offshoot of the Accra Circuit of the then Methodist Church of the Gold Coast District of the British Methodist Conference, the new church held its first Sunday congregational worship on April 22, 1922 at what was called Wantuta, Sabon Zongo near Abossey Okai in a residence offered by Bro J. A. Nelson, a founding member.


Through consistent evangelism, mission, renewal and training, the then Wesleyan Mission Opete Kpaakpo Ashong Society has steadily grown to become present day St Luke Methodist Church and has seen to the establishment of other Methodist Societies including the Rev Joseph Thomas Clegg Memorial Society in Kaneshie; Mt Ararat Society, Bubiashie; Bethlehem Society, Russia; Grace Society, Lartebiokorshie; and Emmanuel Society, New Abossey Okai.


Speaking at the Thanksgiving Service, Most Rev Dr Boafo congratulated the entire leadership and membership of the Church for what he said was the transformation of the Chapel from what existed during his time as a Ministerial student in the 1980s, noting “it is a testimony of God’s abiding presence that has been with this congregation”. He expressed the gratitude of the Church for the “goodness and faithfulness of God”. 


Most Rev Dr Boafo paid glowing tribute to the forebearers of the Church and challenged the congregants to emulate their example as the Church begins a new hundred-year journey, stressing “That is the essence of bringing back memories of loved ones and our forebearers and our fathers and mothers, this is the essence of this celebration”.


Pointing to the theme for the celebration, ‘Celebrating God’s Goodness: Living Like Jesus Christ’, Most Rev Dr Boafo observed that “Living like Jesus Christ is not for those who started [the Church] and are gone. They have finished their course here on earth. So who are those to live like Jesus Christ? It’s me and it’s you”.


The celebrations which have seen the organisation of centenary Commemorative Service, evangelism, lecture, donation to the Wesleyan Boys Rehabilitation Centre and the Princess Marie Louise Children’s Hospital, marriage/relationship talk, and the construction of a centenary building project among others, saw the presentation of awards to deserving members.


The Methodist Bishop of Accra Diocese, the Rt Rev Emmanuel Borlabi Bortey prayed for three surviving members of the Church who were over hundred years old.


The Superintendent Minister of the Abossey Okai Circuit, the Very Rev Isaac Etuah-Jackson led congregants in a special fund raiser which realized over GHS 65,000, to support activities of the Church.