Story: Emmanuel Ashong, Nungua

Christians have been admonished to let their faith reflect in deed and not merely in census figures.

Ghana’s 2010 Population and Housing Census put Christians in the country at 71% of the entire population, which now stands at 30.8 million people according to preliminary results from the recent census held in 2021.

But speaking at a Church Service held at the forecourt of the Ebenezer Methodist Chapel, Nungua on Sunday, February 12, 2023, the Methodist Bishop of Accra Diocese, the Rt Rev Emmanuel Borlabi Bortey argues that census figures are not enough proof of one’s Christianity.

According to him, “As we seek transformation in Jesus Christ, we must also yearn for changed lives in the entire country so that sincerity will take root in our affairs for all to testify that Ghana is truly a Christian nation”, explaining “Our Christianity must be in deed and not merely in census figures of 70% plus. It must manifest in character and deeds at our work places.”

Touching on the Church’s Strategic Plan which is dubbed an ‘Agenda for Revival and Growth’, Bishop Borlabi Bortey told congregants that “We have a task to ensure that many people will come to know Christ Jesus so that our lives as Ghanaians will be transformed.”   

The Methodist Bishop was delivering a sermon at a Thanksgiving Service held by the Accra Diocese to climax a four-day Wesleyan Revival Outreach held in the Nungua Circuit of the Church. The outreach which came-off at the forecourt of the Ebenezer Methodist Chapel, Nungua from February 09 – 12, 2023, brought together congregants from the Ebenezer, Bethel, Nungua West, Immanuel, Grace, and Freeman Memorial Societies, all in the Nungua Circuit.

Spearheaded by the Evangelism, Mission and Renewal Office of the Accra Diocese, the Wesleyan Revival Outreach is aimed at strengthening soul-winning and revival of members in all the 24 Circuit within the Diocese.

The 25th edition of the Revival Outreach had Evangelist Abraham Josiah-Nelson as the main speaker with the Superintendent Minister of the Nungua Circuit, the Very Rev Daniel Kpabitey and other Ministers in the Circuit in attendance. Also present was the Lay Chairman of the Accra Diocese, Bro Joseph Eduam, and the Accra Diocesan Coordinator for Evangelism, Mission and Renewal, the Very Rev Richmond Abaka.

Several souls were won for the Lord.