Story: Sarah Naa Merley Mensah & Emmanuel Ashong, Accra

“No idol can save you. Flee idol worship today”, a passionate appeal by the Very Rev Samuel K. Quartey, the Superintendent Minister of the Mamprobi Circuit of The Methodist Church Ghana

He made the call at the 21st edition of the Wesleyan Revival Outreach programme organised by the Accra Diocese of The Methodist Church Ghana. The programme which came-off from December 15 – 17, 2022 at the Wesley Cathedral yard, at Palladium – Accra, was on the theme “Discipleship: Living the Transformed Life in Jesus Christ”.

Speaking at the 3-day revival outreach, Very Rev Quartey urged residents to flee idol worship and surrender their lives to Jesus.

“Beloved, there is no idol that can save you. If you have expectations that an idol will secure your life, then beware that you are deceiving yourself. There’s no idol anywhere that has such abilities”, Very Rev Quartey stressed.

He appealed to residents to give their lives to Jesus explaining “Salvation can be found in no name and no one except Jesus Christ”. The Methodist Minister led several people in prayer to give their lives to Jesus. Others also rededicated themselves to service of God.

Various speakers led prayer sessions for the community and the country. Funds were raised to support the revival outreach.

In attendance was the Methodist Bishop of Accra Diocese, the Rt Rev Emmanuel Borlabi Bortey, the Superintendent Minister of the Accra Circuit, the Very Rev Victor B. B. Boyetey and the Accra Diocesan Coordinator for Evangelism, Mission and Renewal, the Very Rev Richmond Abaka. Others were the Accra Diocesan Children’s Ministry Coordinator, the Rev John G. Bortey Jnr, the Accra Diocesan Youth Organiser, the Rev Edward Niikwei Okine and the Rev Joshua Nii Amugi Quarcoo, a Circuit Minister in the Accra South Circuit.

Organised under the auspices of the Evangelism, Mission and Renewal Office of the Accra Diocese, the Wesleyan Revival Outreach has since January 2022 been held in 21 out of the 24 Circuits within the Diocese. The programme has been aimed at winning souls for Christ towards the Church’s ‘Agenda for Revival, Growth and Transformation’. The next phase of the evangelism drive continues in 2023 with outreach revivals earmarked for all Circuits.