Story: Rachel Mercy Arhin & Emmanuel Ashong, Accra

In a bid to streamline multimedia communication activities within its fold, The Methodist Church Ghana has organised a 4-day Media Conference at the Methodist Youth Development Training Centre in Aburi.

The conference which brought together over hundred participants involved in various aspects of multimedia work throughout the Connexion, took place from March 02 - 05, 2023.

Opening the Conference on Friday, March 03, 2023, the Director of Communication and Publications of the Church, the Very Rev Emmanuel B. Asenso informed participants that the move was aimed at standardising activities of the Multimedia Ministry in the various Dioceses of the Church. He urged them to abide by the ethics of the Ministry and eschew unprofessional practices.

Participants were taken through a draft Operational Manual for the Methodist Multimedia Ministry for their inputs. When finalised and approved by the leadership of the Church, the manual will among others, guide the establishment and management of the Multimedia Ministry in all 22 Dioceses of the Church.

The Conference which was organised by the Communication and Publications Directorate of the Church in collaboration with the Youth Development Ministry, saw participants' capacity built in video production, sound production, photography, graphics, and news reporting.

The Director for Youth Development Ministry, the Very Rev Eric Gyan, charged participants to make use of the knowledge acquired to improve multimedia activities in their various Dioceses.

Participants expressed appreciation to the Church for organising the Conference and advocated for it to be instituted as an annual event.