Story: Emmanuel Ashong, Kaneshie

A Church Service has been held in Accra on May 07, 2023, to lay the foundation stone for a multi-purposed building project for the Good Shepherd Society in the Kaneshie North Circuit of The Methodist Church Ghana.  

Dubbed the Jubilee Project, the multi-purpose building is in commemoration of the Church’s 50th Anniversary, which was celebrated in 2015. When complete, the four-storey facility will provide permanent halls for Teens’ Service and youth programmes as well as spaces for meetings and offices.

Giving an overview of the project at a Church Service held at the Good Shepherd Methodist Chapel, North Kaneshie on May 07, 2023, a member of the Church, Bro Dr Wordsworth Odame Larbi disclosed that “the total amount spent so far on the project is GHS 1,664,524.00”, adding “about GHS 2,000,000.00 will be needed to complete the same.”

Performing the symbolic laying of stone for the Jubilee building which is located opposite the Good Shepherd Methodist Chapel, the Methodist Bishop of Accra Diocese, the Rt Rev Emmanuel Borlabi Bortey prayed that “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we lay this stone for a building erected here and devoted to the glory of God and to the service of His people”, noting “No other foundation can anyone lay than that already laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

He expressed hope that “in this place, may true faith flourish; the fear of the Lord and the love of the brethren prevail. Here, may the voice of prayer continually be heard, and songs of praises and adoration be raised in honour of our King. May true Christians worship the true God in Spirit and in truth now and forever.”

The Service was witnessed by past and current members and Ministers stationed in the Circuit, including the Methodist Bishop of Tema Diocese, the Rt Rev Samuel Ofori-Akyea who was a one-time Superintendent Minister of the Kaneshie North Circuit. Others were the Rt Rev John Harvey Ewusie, a past Methodist Bishop of Sekondi Diocese, the Rt Rev William Blankson, a past Methodist Bishop of Somanya Diocese and Sis Araba Ata Sam, a past Lay President of Conference.  

Also in attendance was the Synod Secretary of the Accra Diocese, the Very Rev Mrs Doris Saah, the Superintendent Minister of the Kaneshie North Circuit, the Very Rev Bennett Ato Wilson and other Ministers serving in the Circuit.

Funds were raised to support the completion of the project.