Story: Emmanuel Ashong, Winneba

The 50th Annual and 12th Biennial Conference of The Methodist Church Ghana has opened in Winneba with a recognition of distinguished personalities who have contributed in diverse ways to the development of the Church and society.

The Conference which is on the theme ‘Discipleship: Living the Transformed Life in Jesus Christ’ was officially opened on Wednesday, August 18, 2022 by the Presiding Bishop of The Methodist Church Ghana, the Most Rev Dr Paul Kwabena Boafo at the Jophus Anamuah-Mensah Conference Centre, Winneba.

Delivering an address on the State of the Church, Most Rev Dr Boafo gave an account of major happenings in the various Directorates including Ministries and Social Services.

He called for effective leadership at Class Meetings of the Church, noting it is the “starting point for Methodist discipleship”.

Most Rev Dr Boafo expressed the Church’s appreciation to members, who had made various donations to the Church including fully built and furnished chapels and manses, parcels of land, vehicles, motorbikes, hospital beds etc.

While commending government for the implementation of the Free SHS policy, the Presiding Bishop expressed the Church’s concern with the challenges confronting the programme and appealed to government to “engage all stakeholders including the Faith-based Organisations to address these challenges”.  

The President of the Republic of Ghana, H. E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo who was the special guest of honour, thanked The Methodist Church Ghana for her “constructive and crucial role” in the development of the country, adding “this legacy of the Church will long endure”.

Acknowledging prevailing socio-economic difficulties confronting the country, President Akufo-Addo disclosed that “government has not thrown its hands up in despair”.

Prayers were said for the president and his government.

Awards were presented to deserving members who have contributed to the Church’s growth over the years including Past Presiding Bishops, Past Lay Presidents, Past Administrative Bishops, and distinguished lay members of the Church in different facets of public and private service.

This year’s Conference which is being hosted by the Winneba Diocese at the Ebenezer Methodist Cathedral, marks the Golden Jubilee of the Ghana Methodist Conference and takes place from August 17 – 21, 2022.

Conference is the highest decision making body of The Methodist Church Ghana and it brings together selected lay and ministerial members of the Church across the Connexion.

The 2022 Conference is expected to take stock of the Church’s activities since the last Conference in 2020 and plan towards the ensuing year.

Delegates will also elect a new Lay President to take over from the incumbent, Bro William Orleans Oduro [Esq] whose tenure of office ends in September 2023.