Story: Emmanuel Ashong, Adabraka

This year's Wesleyan Revival Outreach took off in the Adrabaka Circuit on January 12, 2023, with an appeal to residents to come to God in faith.

The Revival Outreach programme, which commenced last year, travelled through 21 out of the 24 Circuits in the Accra Diocese of The Methodist Church Ghana. Geared towards reaching unbelievers with the Word of God, the evangelism drive is in line with the Church’s Agenda for Revival, Growth and Transformation.

The 22nd edition of the Wesleyan Revival Outreach saw members of the Rev Ernest Bruce Memorial Methodist Church, Adabraka and other Nursery Societies in the Adabraka Circuit, converge at the Kasapa Park in Adabraka from January 12 - 14, 2023.

The programme, which was on the theme, "Discipleship: Living the Transformed Life in Jesus Christ," had the Rev Joshua Nii Amugi Quarcoo, a Circuit Minister in the Accra South Circuit as the Speaker.

He appealed to residents of the community to entrust their faith in God. Referencing the Biblical account recorded in Mark 5:21-24, 35-36, regarding Jairus, a synagogue ruler who trusted Jesus to heal his dying daughter, Rev Quarcoo challenged the people to not be discouraged in approaching Jesus.

“You may have wandered in the past year, but have seen no change in your life. Your burden is still there, the sickness is not gone and that challenge is still raging. But tonight, I came to recommend one person to you. He is Jesus, and He is the final solution. He is the healer and the deliverer”, Rev Quarcoo articulated.  

He advised the people to emulate Jairus’ example and not be influenced by their social status when it comes to matters of salvation. “I am here to inform you that eternal life can only be found in Jesus. He is the only source of blessing and prosperity. If only you’ll quit relying on your position and status in society, and put your trust in Jesus, then in this new year, in this new month, in this new week, He’ll save you.”

Scores of people gave their lives to God and got prayed for. Others received their healing from various health conditions and shared their testimonies during the three-day programme.

The Superintendent Minister and Circuit Minister of the Adabraka Circuit, the Very Rev Emmanuel N. A. Wellington and the Rev Mary Sarblah, respectively, took turns to lead prayer sessions at the Revival Outreach.

Also present was the Methodist Bishop of Accra Diocese, the Rt Rev Emmanuel Borlabi Bortey, the Accra Diocesan Lay Chairman, Bro Joseph Eduam, the Honorary Diocesan Treasurer, Bro Jacob Bright Donkor and the Accra Diocesan Coordinator for Evangelism, Mission and Renewal, the Very Rev Richmond Abaka.